Red, sensitive, itchy skin is known as inflammation. There are many reasons that cause irritation such as acne flare-ups, sunburn or over-exfoliation. Reactions resulting in inflammation have underlying motivations which can make your skin uncomfortable to the touch.
An allergic reaction or skin irritation develops when you’ve come in contact with something causing a condition known as contact dermatitis. One of the most common forms of inflammation, the face is the most common place to experience it. Exposing your skin to certain fragrances, cosmetic products, latex, and poison ivy could result in this type of reaction. At times, things in your environment could be the cause of the problem.
Other associations with medication or ailments including acne, eczema, or psoriasis have the possibility to bring up sunburn-like reactions or rashes that could feel extremely dry, scaly, and itchy. At Blended Skin, our team of specialists give you the attention your skin needs by performing an examination of your eating and lifestyle habits to best determine the triggers of your skin inflammation. Book your consultation today!
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