Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of an Esthetician

February 21, 2023 2 min read

One of the most in-demand jobs at the beach is that of esthetician. Whether someone is looking for a relaxing facial, a skin-refreshing treatment, or a wax and tint, estheticians bring the spa experience to life. From the outside, an esthetician's job looks glamorous; offering comfort, relaxation and alluring results to clients. But what happens behind-the-scenes?

Here at Blended Skin, we're eager to showcase a day in the life of one of our estheticians, where you can gain insight into the art of being an esthetician, and understand the unique experiences that go hand-in-hand with the profession.

Esthetics is relational work. To begin a typical day, our esthetician will arrive at the spa, check-in with team members, and prepare the day's space by cleaning and organizing tools, disposables, and products. With an eye for detail, each station should be organized and tidy accommodating the relaxed and rejuvenating atmosphere of the medspa.

Once the space is ready, the esthetician will receive their first client. A large part of an esthetician's job involves understanding the client's needs and ensuring that the experience is tailored to their expectations. Beginning the service with a consultation that includes examining the client's skin, discussing the desired results, addressing any potential challenges, and educating the client on the steps and expectations of the service.

After the treatment is finished and the esthetician has sold appropriate retail items for the client's home care, the client is given a mirror and asked to view the results. At this point, the esthetician has a chance to offer one final check-in of making sure the client is truly happy with their service.

Finally, post-treatment the esthetician trashes all disposables, wipes down their station and tidies up their space for the next client. For a quality-obsessed esthetician, this ensures that no matter who sits at the station, they have the same exceptional Blended Skin experience!

Providing detailed care with a skilled eye to ensure clients leave feeling relaxed and rejuvenated is a hallmark of being an esthetician. While it can be challenging, the job's rewards can be immensely satisfying.

At our medspas, we love getting to know our clients and helping them reach their skin care goals. We know that with our team of quality estheticians and loyal clients, we are making an impact and creating a reputation we are proud of!

Ready to get the Blended Skin experience for yourself? Schedule a consultation with one of our professional estheticians today at!

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