April 28, 2022 2 min read

Taking care of your skin is self-care.

Everyone deserves to treat themselves well! If you’ve been struggling with acne problems, it’s time to reevaluate the focus on your health. Throughout the Acne Bible, we’ve covered major influencers that can cause acne to build-up under the skin. Since acne prone skin sheds dead skin 5x faster than normal, it gets easily inflamed, creating skin congestion. 

Knowing that there are many factors that lead to the build-up of skin congestion, here are a few skin self-care tips to keep in mind…

  1. Speak with a certified esthetician about safe skin care practices.
  2. Take time to reevaluate your lifestyle habits. 
  3. Always check product ingredients prior to using them on your skin.
  4. Wash your hands before touching your face.
  5. Use moisturizer or sunscreen with SPF to protect your skin from UV rays. 
  6. Hydrated skin is happy skin.
  7. Drink LOTS of water to maintain overall skin health.
  8. Fuel your body with a well-balanced, low-glycemic diet.

To keep up with our Acne 101 blog, visit our website, https://blendedskin.com, to subscribe! 
























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