April 21, 2022 2 min read

It’s all about lifestyle choices…

We tend to think what ends up on the surface comes from what's internal, though don’t forget to consider external influence. If you’ve been experiencing recent breakouts around your mouth, consider the type(s) of lip balm/gloss/stick you’re using. Many toothpastes or facial tissue products contain comedogenic ingredients which are accelerators for acne prone skin. Checking the ingredients in common products before putting them on your skin or hair is safe. 

Lifestyle choices that could be affecting your acne:

  • Laundry Products
  • No Water Softeners
  • Swimming
  • Sun Exposure
  • Hand Lotions

Fabric softener and scented detergent have been known to increase the chance of acne. Acne sufferers should be aware that fabric softeners have a waxy residue that attaches to items directly in contact with your skin, including your clothes, pillowcases, towels, and sheets. To prevent this from happening, our specialists suggest using a static ball instead. Talk to a Blended Skin Acne Specialist about what lifestyle choice could be causing your acne. 

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